SportsUganda Ltd UK CEO Presents Ladies MVP Award at Entebbe 7s Circuit Hosted by Plascon Mongers RFC

Andrew Byekwaso Honored to Present Ladies MVP Award at Entebbe 7s Circuit Hosted by Plascon Mongers RFC

Andrew Byekwaso Honored to Present Ladies MVP Award at Entebbe 7s Circuit Hosted by Plascon Mongers RFC

Entebbe, Uganda – August 2024

The 2024 Entebbe 7s Circuit, hosted by Plascon Mongers RFC, proved to be an exciting and highly competitive event. Teams from all corners of Uganda and beyond gathered to display their talent, athleticism, and team spirit in this electrifying rugby sevens competition. Amidst the cheers and energy of the crowd, one of the most memorable highlights was the presentation of the Ladies MVP Award by none other than Mr. Andrew Byekwaso.

Mr. Byekwaso, a passionate advocate for sports development and community engagement, was honored to take on this humble yet meaningful role. His contribution to the event emphasized his continued commitment to supporting rugby in Uganda, especially within the context of women’s sports. The recognition of the Ladies MVP award signifies more than individual talent—it highlights the growing strength of women’s participation in the sport, a movement that is seeing more enthusiasm and success year after year.

The Entebbe 7s Circuit, as always, attracted top-tier teams and provided a platform for female athletes to showcase their abilities. This year was no exception, as the ladies’ teams displayed remarkable skill, strategy, and passion throughout the competition. Selecting an MVP from such outstanding performers was a challenge, but one athlete stood above the rest, leaving spectators and coaches in awe of her contributions to her team’s success.

As Mr. Byekwaso handed over the Ladies MVP Award, he expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to support these rising stars. He reaffirmed his belief in the importance of sports in fostering unity, empowerment, and growth in the community.

“It’s an honor to be part of this beautiful celebration of talent and determination,” Mr. Byekwaso shared. “Women’s rugby has made significant strides, and it’s inspiring to see so many talented athletes breaking barriers and achieving greatness.”

The Entebbe 7s Circuit remains one of the flagship rugby events in Uganda, bringing together athletes, coaches, and fans to celebrate the sport. This year’s event was not just a showcase of talent but also a testament to Ugandan rugby’s growing diversity and strength. With leaders like Mr. Byekwaso encouraging and celebrating these athletes, the future of rugby—both men’s and women’s—looks bright and full of promise.

As the circuit came to a close, the participants, spectators, and the entire rugby community were reminded once again of the power of sport to inspire, unite, and uplift. With continued support and recognition, women’s rugby in Uganda is set to reach even greater heights.

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