TheBestBareFootLeague in the World © (#TBBFL)

How it’s going

SportsUganda Ltd UK and Sembeza Africa on a journey of transformation. Recently we organised and hosted the Sembeza Africa inaugural fundraiser at Nkumba University  @NkumbaUniversity  and hosted U15 girls and U12 boys from Kenya to a 5 day rugby tour in Uganda more at https://sportsuganda.org/ #TheBestBareFootLeague in the world, Uganda

The Journey

The seed is flourishing as the world reknown #TheBestBareFootLeague in the World thanks to our partners Rugby Club of Luxembourg, North Somerset Regional Talent Centre, St George’s International School for the kit and equipment and Lukango Tree Conservancy for supporting the Conservation program with tree seedlings

How it started

Just like a big Mahogany, it started with a seed just as the pandemic was easing up, giving a ray of hope to many as the year 2021 was nearing its end. SportsUganda launched its flagship brand, TheBestBareFootLeague in the World

​BHAG: 1,000,000 Primary School Age Children in Uganda playing in sports and games leagues, skipping, coding and learning through robotics every week!

Sports for Health Education Conservation and Tourism
Uganda is a beautiful country with one of the world’s youngest populations!
A well structured youth intervention based on one of nature’s most powerful forces [play] is a must! Full story here
