The SportsUganda Story

The SportsUganda Story

Rebirth of Sports
Sports, games & recreation benefit education (and whole populations) in profound and effective ways.
They can impart life skills in a way that is unparalleled by any other single activity and are also popular and cost effective.
Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to get 1,000,000 young people taking part in activity EVERY WEEK including Income Generating Activities (IGAs).

Sports Uganda Ltd UK is a catalyst for change in the sports ecosystem in Uganda.

We aim to engage, empower young people and stakeholders in an ecosystem that encourages and enables enterprise to thrive.

Working with partners on the ground, we create convergence points for young people to engage in their principle learning method – through play!

In this way we will connect them to new opportunities.

Through global partnerships we procure sports and learning kit that empowers local community actors to take the initiative in these community transformation efforts.

Starting with an initial 4 centres in a pilot phase during the COVID 19 Pandemic, we have now earmarked 16 potential spaces for this new phase running under the banner of TheBestBareFootLeague in the World!

We use health promotion activities, vocational training opportunities, Conservation education including agro-forestry, Promotion of Tourism through sporting-cultural activities and Traditional Sports & Games.

Ours is also a data driven model, accumulating performance metrics for athletes from an early age.

We also have an active Robotics Programme involving Coding and Programming!

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